Ways to lose 5 kg weight in 10 days


Ways to lose 5 kg weight in 10 days

If you can try a little, you can lose 5 kg in 10 days, I can tell you.  Many people have lost 5 kg in 10 days but they have followed some rules and procedures.  Let's not know what the rules and procedures are

1) You have to eat healthy food

In order to lose weight, you must eat according to the right rules, then you will see that you will not gain weight easily, one thing to remember is that while losing weight, you should not gain weight.

And the main reason for weight gain is eating the wrong food, let's not know what we should avoid eating.

Potatoes - You will try to eat less potatoes, potatoes help you gain weight easily but you should eat less potatoes.

Rice - If you do not eat rice more than once a day, you may gain weight.  But potatoes help to gain weight very fast

Eggs - Most people like to eat eggs, but I will tell you that killing eggs helps you gain weight quickly, so you should not eat too many eggs to control your weight.

If you eat 4 to 5 eggs a day, you will never lose weight.

Have to walk every day

If you wake up and walk more every day, then you will see that you will continue to lose weight.  And you will try to do different exercises every morning.

If you exercise every morning, you will see that your belly fat will gradually decrease and your weight will also decrease.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you sleep more and walk less, you will gain more weight, so you should keep this in mind.

And don't sleep until 10 in the morning, you will try to wake up at 6 o'clock every morning.  And then you will wake up at 8 o'clock and walk a little.

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